Entering In
If you have made the decision that you truly do want to be born again, or if you're unsure whether you have been born again, then go to the Lord with all your heart and tell him that.
If you have difficulty with words, here’s a prayer you can use, but pray it from your heart and with all of your heart. At any point you may add your own words, and please do. Make it yours.
Father God, I truly desire to be born again so that I can spend all eternity with you. I recognize that I live in a fallen human nature. I know that I have sinned again and again in my life. I realize that I fall far short of perfection. The Bible says, “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked…” and I’m ready to admit that that includes me. I’ve been deceived, I deceive, and I have seen wickedness dwelling in me. For these reasons, you gave your Son on that cross for ME, to bear the guilt of my sin in my place.
Your Word tells me that the wages, or the results of sin, is death, not just physical death but the second death as well, which is to be lost forever. But your Word also tells me that you loved me so much that you took upon yourself the penalty of my sin, you shed your blood for ME, you gave your life for ME, while you hung on that cross my name was on your mind. Jesus, I want to confess to you my sins and ask that the blood that you shed will cover me and cleanse me from all unrighteousness. I so appreciate that from your love for me you sacrificed yourself on that cross to pay the sin-debt for me personally, and I say like the thief on the cross next to you, “Lord, please remember me.”
Lord Jesus, I am ready to give up to you complete authority and control over my life. I trust you to begin that work in me, of making me all that you planned for me to be. Show me your plan and purpose for my life, and I ask for wisdom and strength to follow you all the days of my life.
Purchase this vessel, Lord Jesus, I hand to you the keys to every nook and cranny within me, I am all yours. Bring me into the New Covenant that you established in your sacrificial death, burial, and resurrection. Write my name in the Lamb’s Book of Life.
Lord, I stand ready to do whatever you direct me to, for the rest of my life.